Computer Health Warning
When downloading software from the web you risk infecting your computer with a virus.
The most dangerous being :-
Psychiatrist Virus :: There’s no change to your computer but a very large bill appears from the printer.
Vet Virus :: Your mouse develops a nasty squeak and runs away when you try to use it.
Pantomime Actor Virus :: Your computer works. Oh no it doesn’t. Oh yes it does. Oh no it doesn’t . . .
Office Junior Virus :: All your computer files rearrange themselves randomly.
Teacher Virus :: Big red crosses appear all over your screen with a message saying “Stay behind after class.”
Civil Servant Virus :: Everything you type appears in triplicate.
Athlete Virus :: Your C.D. Disc suddenly ejects and flies 100 metres across the room.
Salesman Virus :: A warning message appears telling you that your computer urgently needs a new printer, memory and modem.
Doctor Virus :: A message appears saying that your computer has been checked and is in perfect condition. Ten minutes later it drops down dead.
Lap Top Dancer Virus :: Your lap top starts to dance.
Magician Virus :: Everything you have typed disappears and a rabbit pops up out of the C.D. drive.
Student Virus :: Your computer will laze about doing nothing for days on end.
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